Friday, June 23, 2017

News on v37-38

Since a couple people have been asking when the next update is, I'm here to give a status update. Unfortunately, June and July will be very busy months for me, so v37 and 38 will be a late August release.

Also, v40 seems to be when Null resumed using tankoban scans for the Water 7 arc. Are there any suggestions on what part in the One Piece manga I should take a look at after I wrap up v39, presumably in the winter? Or is all of One Piece translated well enough that my work is no longer needed?

*Update: Estimated release date pushed back to early September.


  1. Vol. 69-85 translated well, just missing SBS and stuff, since they were from WSJ.
    You can do the volume version of them if you want to.
    That's all.
    Thank you dude.

  2. Thanks for the status update!!! I also agree with the comment above, vol 69 up to recent volumes would be cool..
    I always wait for your volume translations because you also do the SBS part.. Always worth it!!
    Thank you for the hard work Nep Ece.

  3. great news!how time flies...

    about your question.i don't think there's anything else left that's urgent need of some work.Only the latest volumes haven't been done by anyone,but i think the Viz versions are now good enough and have proper translations thanks to Stephen working on them(aide from the legacy spelling and naming issues)

    But if you really want,you can work on the newer stuff i suppose.

  4. Definitely vol. 69 and above. Great to hear from you again.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Volume 69 and above. And I also wish all mangarule scanlation replace as well, too much text error and all there scan pages are missing few bit of the picture.

  7. I agree with the others, from where mangarule dropped, volume 69 and above.

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. thx for the update. It's true that the rest of one piece is quite well translated by mangastream (with a few minor mistakes sometimes). But if you still want to translate, i suppose i agree with others to pick up from where mangarule left off. Mangastream is good but their scans is from WSJ. Meanwhile your scans are from tankoubon so they obviously have a better quality image with higher resolution (also complete with sbs, it's important because some information and artwork are contained within them). so options for people i guess. thx for the hard work.

  10. I second this request only to also request it start from v17 (or if possible the Nep Ece v5-16 too) since those links are also down.

    Bakabt has gone private with not even limited registration/wait list and the only other link that has anything early in HQ (that isn't the horrible Viz version) is one from the nyaa restoration but not only does it have no seeds but it only has Nitoryu 17-19.

  11. You're a badass! That saves so much time looking and essentially hoping for an old torrent to become active again.

    I'll keep the seed open in my torrents even if my upload is limited.

  12. I don't think it's necessary to do vol. 69 and up. Mangarule did up to chapter 716. Powermanga picked up right where they left off at 717. The scans don't look bad either, but Powermanga has missed some translation bubbles for sound effects. Alternatively, Powermanga is currently looking for help to do the most recent color volumes. They released volumes 1-72, and I believe they need help with up to volume 76.

    1. Powermanga only did WSJ scans, but we actually lack black and white volumes scans after vol 69.

  13. One other suggestion I might make is that the Colored Manga still makes use of the old translation for volumes 28-40 as your translations for them were not out then. Those are substantially larger file sizes though.

  14. I'm missing volume 32, but have 25-31. I don't have the full volumes (no sbs, table of contents, etc.), they're just the chapters. Still want them?


    Password: Bootylicious

  16. Similar situation to JoaquinStick, does anyone have v36?

    1. The link on 35/36 post is still up.

  17. @JoaquinStick : It will be great to re-upload your torrent on and/or mega, the magnet link on piratebay just don't work anymore
